Lesson III: Abraham and Isaac
Watch the video or read the print version of the story with your child. You can also look at the pictures together. Choose one or more activities to accompany the lesson.
1) Draw a picture!
One element of this story is that Abraham’s faith in God leads him to obey. He trusts that God knows what is right and good. Jesus said “Blessed are ye that hear the word of God and keep it.”
Have your child copy this sentence at the top of a blank page, and draw a picture from the story of Abraham and Isaac. You could also do this project with paint or pastels.
2) Play a game!
Try playing some games that involve obedience, like Red Light, Green Light, or Simon Says. Take turns being the one who commands and the one who obeys. Which is more fun? Ask the child to tell about a time they had to obey, and found it difficult.
3) Read together!
Abraham obeys God because Abraham trusts God. Ask our child who they trust to give guidance about what to do. They might say their parents, teachers, or other family members. Ask where they can find out about God’s guidance for them – they might say from their priest, a Sunday school teacher, or the Bible. Help them understand that the Bible is a good place to look for answers about what God wants from us. Look up Luke 11:28 and read it together.
4) Look at art!
Bring up the pictures included in the lesson. Choose one, and have your child look at it for 30 seconds. Hide the picture and ask your child to describe as many of the details as possible. Look at both pictures, and decide which parts of the story each describes. How are the people in the pictures feeling?