Lesson I: Adam and Eve

Once you have listened to the recorded version of the story, try reading it with help from an adult, or by yourself.

Genesis chapter 1 tells the story of how God created the world. Chapters two and three tell more about the creation of Adam and Eve, and also about the Fall.


1) Create a cartoon version of the story of Adam and Eve that you have heard in the video.

Here are some templates that can be printed out.

2) Write your own story version of how Adam and Eve sinned. Try writing it from the point of view of Adam or of Eve.

3) Learn about the area that is described in Genesis chapter two, where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers are. This area is called the Fertile Crescent.  See if you can find a map, and try drawing your own version.

4) The Bible says that God placed a cherubim to guard the gate back into the garden. Research what a cherubim is. Try making an artistic representation of one – a drawing, painting, or sculpture.


Lesson II: Noah’s Ark


Lesson II: Noah’s Ark