The Rev’d Canon Dr Victor Lee Austin will visit Saint George’s on the second weekend in June to speak about friendship and, in particular, how a parish might be a school of friendship. Father Austin’s most recent book, Friendship: The Heart of Being Human, was published in 2020 and will provide a backdrop to his talks and discussions. Copies are available for purchase in the parish ($25) from Father Hatt or Susan Harris or the Parish Office. We ask that folks planning to attend please register via the Parish Office at or 902 423 1059 so that we can appropriately plan for the meal on Saturday.
In the midst of an increasingly divided world, the need for renewed friendships on global, local, and personal levels is perhaps more important than ever. We hope that this Parish Mission will help us find ways to renew ourselves in friendship with God and with one another.
The schedule for the weekend is as follows:
Ember Day, Friday, June 10th
7 p.m. First Talk followed by a reception in the church.
Ember Day, Saturday, June 11th
9 a.m. Morning Prayer
9:15 a.m. Holy Communion
10 a.m. First Talk
11 a.m. Second Talk
12 noon Noon Day Prayers
12:10 p.m. Third Talk
1:15 p.m. Soup Luncheon
2 p.m. Day concludes.
Each talk will be followed by opportunity for discussion and 10 minute silence.
Trinity Sunday, June 12th
Fr. Austin will preach at both the 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services. You will have an opportunity to meet and speak with him at the coffee hour following the 10:30 a.m. service.
About our Missioner
Father Austin is theologian-in-residence for the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas and formerly served as theologian-in-residence for Saint Thomas’ Church, Fifth Avenue in New York City. He was a parish priest in Dutchess County, New York, and taught at a number of colleges, universities, and seminaries, with a special interest in theology in everyday life. He is the author of a number of books. His theological memoir, Losing Susan, was published in 2016 and is a reflection on the loss of his wife to whom he was married for 34 years. When Father Austin visits Saint George’s, he will have just returned from walking the Camino de Santiago.