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All Saints & All Souls

Feast of All Saints

On Monday, November 1st at 7 p.m. we celebrate the Feast of All Saints with Choral Holy Communion in the Round Church. The saints are those in whom the light of Christ has shone so brightly we can look to them for a glimpse of Christ himself. Let us give thanks for those faithful souls who have gone before us in the faith and join with "the whole company of heaven" in prayer and praise of Almighty God.

All Souls' Day Requiem

Our annual All Souls' Day Requiem takes place Tuesday, November 2nd. We begin with the sung Litany at 6:30 p.m. in the graveyard at the Little Dutch Church, joining in prayer with the founders and benefactors of our church. At the conclusion of the Litany, we process to the Round Church for the Choral Requiem at 7 p.m., during which we remember especially our loved ones who have passed on to “another shore”. If you have loved ones you would like remembered at this service, please note their names on the sign-up sheet at the back of the church or email Father Hatt at

October 17

Choral Evensong

November 14

Remembrance Sunday Choral Evensong