Announcement of Resignation
Sunday after the Ascension
Sunday, May 12, 2024
Over the past year I have had a growing sense that my ministry at St George’s was coming to an end.
Today I must announce that on September 1st of this year I will take up a new appointment as the Incumbent (Rector) at St Martin-in-the-Fields in High Park in the Diocese of Toronto.
I will miss you and this place very much. This is my home, but for several reasons it seems to me that the Lord is calling me to leave home.
In a moment, our warden will read a letter to you from Bishop Fyfe explaining what happens next, but before she does that, I want to tell you briefly how I knew God had called me here six years ago and also why I know this parish will be okay in the coming days and weeks and months ahead.
More than 20 years ago, before I was ordained, while I was discerning a vocation to the priesthood, one of you gave me a book which I have treasured ever since. It’s entitled, I Heard the Owl Call My Name. It’s about a newly ordained priest who has a terminal illness and only about a year to live—only a year to learn what ministry and what his priestly vocation is all about.
The bishop sends the young priest to a parish where he himself had served many years ago and where he knows the young priest will learn this lesson.
A few months into his ministry, on Christmas Eve, that young priest found himself standing at the door of the Rectory watching his people heading into the church for the evening’s service. As they entered the church, one-by-one, like a flock of sheep following after their master’s voice, that young priest suddenly discovered why he was there: “For the first time he knew them for who they were, the people of his hand and the sheep of his pasture…” (from Psalm 100).
Why do I tell you this story?
A few months before I came to this parish, I was serving as the deacon at one of the mid-week services. As the Gospel procession came down the aisle, I glanced at the congregation and suddenly remembered that scene from the book which I had last read more than 15 years ago. I suddenly knew you as “the people of his hand and the sheep of his pasture.” I knew then that God was calling me to serve his flock in this place.
Although it has been a deep privilege and blessing for me to serve among you, you are not my flock—you are God’s flock, his chosen people for whom he laid down his life. Please remember this, especially in the coming days and weeks and months ahead. The Good Shepherd will watch over you and care for you. I know this deep within my heart.
Please pray for me and know that I will be praying deeply for you.
Fr Nicholas Hatt+